
Healthcare workers (HCWs) are the cornerstones of the health system and play a pivotal role in building its resilience. Their well-being is one of the major challenges in the pre and post Covid world. Increased workloads, illness risks, and juggling personal and professional duties are all adding to their stress levels. In the aftermath of the pandemic, our client, a research-intensive global healthcare company, wanted to develop a digital platform to help HCWs manage their anxiety and work stress better while also improving their emotional and mental well-being.

Project Brief

  • To execute the strategy, the client required a deep understanding of the key need gaps and behavioral trends of HCWs to enable the development of an MVP
  • The client engaged Healthark Insights to develop a launch plan and a roadmap highlighting key activities and integral aspects during every phase of the product launch

 Our Approach

The objective was to create a sustainable digital platform to alleviate the emotional and mental health burden of HCWs and help their well-being.

  • Assessment and study of behavioral trends

Developed a holistic view of needs, behavior, and utility of a self-care digital platform by conducting primary research across Tier-1 and Tier-2 cities

  • Identified unmet needs via survey

Mapped unmet emotional and mental health needs of HCWs in both public & private hospitals and developed questionnaires for various stakeholders

  • Established prospective alliances

Identified potential partnerships to develop content, provide counseling and subsequently drive adoption of the product

  • Compiled insights from our research

Synthesized findings and refined the product roadmap and features based on inputs from our research

  • Developed MVP key stakeholders’ strategy

Deeply identified MVP channel strategies of stakeholder engagement through both B2B & B2C approaches (Hospitals, Professional associations & social media)

  • Designed UI/UX platform for quality assurance

Involved end-to-end UI/UX designing of the platform along with quality assessment at each stage of production

  • Content strategy framework

Supported the content management team from inception through to the final launch and even in ongoing usage

  • Proposed engaging strategy & methods

Developed various engagement strategies including digital marketing for the platform to ensure there is the consistent activity by the end-users

 Project Outcomes

Our strategy helped the client to set up a digital platform accessible via a mobile app and website. The platform provides multilingual counseling support to HCWs in a safe medium to share their concerns while ensuring absolute anonymity along with expert-curated self-help content in form of articles, videos, podcasts, self-assessment tools. The project also enabled strategic value relationship building for the client with key accounts by opening channels with CXOs and allowing 360° stakeholder managemen